Sobh Chahboun

Sobh Chahboun
Faggruppe for pedagogikk | Institutt for pedagogikk
Cristin ID
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Are kindergarten teachers ready to accept that even small children have a sexuality?
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Vil hjelpe autister å forstå billedspråk
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Language and perception in children with autism
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Methaphorical priming in a lexical decision task in high functioning autism
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Methaphorical priming in a lexical decision task in high functioning autism
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Metaphorical priming in a lexical decision task in high functioning autism
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Metaphorical priming in a lexical decision task in high functioning autism
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Metaphorical priming in a lexical decision task in high functioning autism
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Contextual and visual cues in the interpretation of idioms in high functioning autism
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Språk: Mat for tanken?
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The processing of figurative (indirect) language and pragmatic inferencing from visual context in typical and atypical language
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Contextual and visual cues in the interpretation of idioms in high functioning autism
- Poster
Can targeted instructions change the reading strategy of children with ASD? An EyeLink study
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Eye Tracking Methodology
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Contextual and visual cues in the interpretation of idioms in high functioning autism
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Språkforståelse og -misforståelse
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Contextual and visual cues in the interpretation of idioms in high functioning autism
- Poster
The processing of figurative (indirect) language and pragmatic inferencing from visual context in typical and atypical language
- Fagartikkel
- Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
The Instrumental Use of Incorporation Philosophies in a Multicultural Norway. Becoming Norwegian or Running in Place?
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Perspective Chapter: Myths of the Child Welfare Services – An Online Bogeyman for Muslim Families
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Developmental language disorders and special educational needs: consideration of inclusion in the Norwegian school context
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Building Bridges! Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Transition from Kindergarten to School – A Scoping Review
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Autismespekterforstyrrelser: forståelser og konsekvenser for praksis
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The presentation and self-presentation of mosques in Norwegian mediascapes: construction of ‘the good ones’
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Purity or perversion? from taboo to fact: kindergarten teachers’ reflections on age-normal sexuality
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Values in Early Childhood Education (ECE): A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Values for ECE Expressed in Policy Documents
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The changing faces of autism: The fluctuating international diagnostic criteria and the resulting inclusion and exclusion—A Norwegian perspective
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Does time extend asymmetrically into the past and the future? A multitask crosscultural study
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Extending the field of extended language: A literature review on figurative language processing in neurodevelopmental disorders
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Temporal focus and time spatialization across cultures
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Gaze and Motor Traces of Language Processing: Evidence from Autism Spectrum Disorders in Comparison to Typical Controls
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Emerging empowerment of international students: how international student literature has shifted to include the students’ voices
- Doktorgradsavhandling
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Reading and writing direction effects on the aesthetic perception of photographs
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Is Beauty in the Hand of the Writer? Influences of Aesthetic Preferences through Script Directions, Cultural, and Neurological Factors: A Literature Review
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Can you tell it by the prime: A study of metaphorical priming in high-functioning autism in comparison with matched controls
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Can you play with fire and not hurt yourself? A Comparative study in figurative language comprehension between individuals with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder