For a better childhood Velg studietype Bachelor Master Videreutdanning (bachelor) Videreutdanning (master) Emnestudier Velg heltid/deltid Heltid Deltid StudiesAdmission, Courses for International Students, Study periods. Student lifeAccomodation, Examinations, Library, Student ID card, IT account, Rules and regulations. ResearchResearch projects, Research groups, PhD, Publications. About usWe work actively to ensure children's needs and make children's perspective visible. Welcome to DMMH! We work actively to ensure children's needs and rights, and make children's perspective in the society visible. What is it like to be an exchange student at DMMH? Watch exchange students' own video Want to study at DMMH? Find out more about our course offer For a better childhood Queen Maud University College in Trondheim, the only higher education institution in Norway with the main focus being on early childhood teacher education.