Norsk | E-mail / Student mail

E-mail / Student mail

All students receive an email address in the format:

Students are required to regularly check their Studentmail as DMMH may send you important/necessary information there.

There are 2 ways to access:

1) Outlook WebMail

Use a browser here:

2) Mobile / tablet

In Apps like Outlook, Gmail, Mail, Email etc.:
Select the Office 365 option. If this is missing, choose Exchange.
Enter the email address/username like this:

Accept any security warnings that appear during the connection.

DMMH IT does not have the capacity to provide support for connecting/setting up each individual's mobile/tablet. For help with connecting, refer to the device's user manual, online searches, or help from fellow students.

Forwarding student mail to private mail

You can forward student mail to private mail, so that a copy is sent to your private mail.
This can be arranged here:

Enter your private email address and select like this:

Feel free to test that it works, e.g., by sending a test email to your own student mail address: