Explanation and appeal on grading

Explanation of grade

For oral or practical exams (e.g., theater performance), the request for an explanation must be made immediately after the grade is announced. Contact the examination office to request an explanation for the grade on an oral or practical exam.

For written exams, the deadline to request an explanation is one week after the results were published via Studentweb. You will have access to request an explanation for a result via a dedicated "button" in your Studentweb. When the deadline to request an explanation has passed, or if this is an oral/practical exam, this button will not be available. 

Before requesting an explanation, you should read the examiner's guidelines for the exam on It's Learning.

DMMH decides whether the explanation is given orally or in writing. A written explanation is made available in WISEflow or sent to your email address. An oral explanation is given by appointment. The explanation is provided within two weeks. It is not possible to ask the examiner to justify the explanation or provide guidance on how you could have performed better. 

Før du ber om begrunnelse bør du lese sensorveiledningen til eksamen på It's Learning.

Høgskolen bestemmer om begrunnelsen gis muntlig eller skriftlig. Skriftlig begrunnelse gjøres tilgjengelig i WISEflow eller sendes til din epostadresse. Muntlig begrunnelse gis etter avtale. Begrunnelse blir gitt i løpet av to uker. Det er ikke mulig å be sensor om å begrunne begrunnelsen eller gi veiledning på hvordan du kunne prestert bedre. Les mer om begrunnelser i universitets- og høgskoleloven §11-8.

Appealing a grade

If you do not believe that the grading for a written assessment corresponds with your performance, you can appeal the grade. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself thoroughly with the examiner's guidelines and the rationale - if you have requested an explanation. The deadline for appealing the result of written exams is 3 – three – weeks. Appeals are submitted via your Studentweb. You will have access to appeal via a dedicated "button." Once the deadline for appeals has passed, or if this is an oral/practical exam, the button will not be available. If you have requested an explanation for the result, the appeal deadline is calculated from when the explanation is provided. 

In an appeal, the grade may be changed either "favorably or unfavorably" for the student who appeals. The appeal assessment is conducted with two new examiners, at least one of whom is an external examiner. The result after the appeal assessment is final and cannot be appealed.

It is not possible to appeal the grade given in an oral or practical exam.

Contact the examination office:

Email: eksamen@dmmh.no

Phone: 73568300

The examination office is located on the 1st floor by the Main Entrance.

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