A tool for all kindergartens. Here you will find blogs, discussion groups and relevant research. Students and staff at DMMH can be provided their own user at Barnehageforum through our subscription. Pleaase contact the library to be granted access.
Combined system for research documentation at universities, university colleges and the institute- and health sector in Norway. In this database you'll find research results, researcher profiles, projects and research units.
Database for statistics about higher education (DBH)
The database for statistics about higher education (DBH) is a commissioned project managed by Sikt (previously the Norwegian Centre for Reserch Data) on behalf of the University- and university college department at the Ministry of Education and Research. The database includes information about the different studies in Norway at universities, university colleges and vocational educations.
DMMH's open repository for publications written by our students and staff. Here you'll find master- and bachelor thesis.
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
Peer reviewed and openly accessible books from multiple diciplines.
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
Peer reviewed journals from multiple diciplines, openly accessible.
International reference database giving an overview of literature and resources within pedagogy. Many articles will be full text.
EU statistics portal in full text. Compare statistics for the EU, EEA-area and other important partners. Most content is free to access.
Recent Norwegian short- and educational films, but also contains a selection of older films.
Use your national library card to log in.
Search within multiple academic databases simultaneously through Google Scholar. Contains some open access journals and content from open research repositories. Some content may be locked behind a paywall. If you're searching Google Scholar through the DMMH wireless network/VPN, you get direct access to articles the library subscribes to.
All publicly available documentation from the government. Includes documents like Official Norwegian Reports (NOU) and White papers.
Helsebiblioteket grants free access to databases, journals, encyclopedias and other useful resources within health diciplines.
The digital platform for research journals and open access books, published by the Scandinavian University Press. You can search for and access over 40 000 peer reviewed reserch articles and book chapters within multiple diciplines. New editions, articles, journals and books are added continuously.
Database for academic journals, books and primary sources in multiple diciplines, with a main focus on social sciences and humanities.
Fairy tales in your mother tongue. Contact the library for log in details.
Norwegian laws, paragraphs (local and central), translated laws and paragraphs, recent High Court- and Court of Appeal rulings, and Norsk Lovtident avd. I and II from 2001. Additionally, a selection of summaries of rulings from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) are available in Norwegian for free.
Ministry of Children and Families(Bufdir)
Bufdir is managed under the Ministry of Children and Families (BDF). The online library covers topics on children, earcly childhood, adoption and children's protective services.
NAOB (Det Norske Akademis Ordbok)
Digital Norwegian Dictionary.
The National Library of Norway
Staff and students can be granted access to material labeled "limited access" in the National Library's online library. To be granted access, you must submit an application to the National Library.
NIFU – Nordic Institute for Studies of innovation, research and education
NIFU is an independent research institute within social sciences. They have a national duty for producing, analyzing and communicating statistics and indicators for the shared Norwegian FoU- and innovation system.
All resarch from Norwegian research repositories, openly accessible. Includes materials like research articles, master thesis, bachelor thesis and more. Also includes materials not accessible through Oria.
Nordic Base of Early Childhood Education and Care (NB-ECEC)
Quality assured scandinavian research within early childhood education.
Norwegian APA 7 manual
Norwegian-English terms for higher education
Termportalen gives free access to Norwegian terminology in a number of subject fields through one search field
The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
The website from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training is aimed at teachers, students, parents and other individuals who are interested in Norwegian education and learning.
Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) grants access to statistics, data or biological materials from health registries or health surveys managed by NIPH.
NOASP - Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing
Open access books from Cappelen Damm Accademic.
General information about open science and open access, as well as guides for researchers and institutions about how to publish, fund and access research results.
Reference database within health diciplines
Research articles from Sage's journals. Covers social sciences, humanities, medicin, engineering as well as environmental- and bio tech subjects.
British reference database for social work, including working in kindergartens. The database includes information from journals, reports and public information.
Norwegian only
Tools and learning materials for special needs education. Includes learning materials for teachers and children with hearing- and vision impairments, as well as sign language and braille resources.
Store norske leksikon
Norwegian only
The largest Norwegian online encyclopedia
Full text articles from academic journals published by Taylor & Francis. Cross dicipline.
Database with english administrative terms from the higher education sector.
The reserach portal from the education union. Presenting articles about research in the education field.
Cross dicipline reference database that covers subjects such as nature sciences, medicine, social sciences and humanities. Also contains citation metrics for articles.
Full text journals within science, technology, social sciences and humanities from Wiley Online Library.