Anne Holla Sivertsen
HøgskolelektorExpert ⭐️
HøgskolelektorExpert ⭐️
Anne Holla Sivertsen
Faggruppe for fysisk aktivitet og helse | Institutt for real-, natur- og samfunnsfag
Cristin ID
- Vitenskapelig foredrag
Professional development in the subject area of physical activity in ECEC Institutions: Re-thinking knowledge about physical activity
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Barnehagens betydning for livsmestring
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Hva er lek og hvordan føles det å leke?
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SEED: Social and Emotional Education and Development
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Profesjonspraksis i møte med barnehagebarns fysiske aktivitet
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Assessing children's psychosocial well-being: Norwegian early childhood education and care teachers’ challenges when completing a global screening tool
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Barnehagens betydning for livsmestring
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Four- to six-year-old children’s experiences of participating in different physical environments and activities in early childhood education and care institutions in Norway
- Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Children, mothers, and preschool teachers’ perceptions of play: Findings from Turkey and Norway
- Rapport
The Psychosocial Well-being of Young Children in ECEC Settings: Research Report of the SEED Project (2017-2019)
- Rapport
Psykososial well-being hos barnehagebarn. En studie fra fem europeiske land.