Kris Kalkman
Prorektor for utdanning

Prorektor for utdanning
Kris Kalkman
Faggruppe for pedagogikk | Institutt for pedagogikk
Cristin ID
- Lecture
Vente, håpe, leve - familier på flukt møter norsk hverdagsliv
- Academic lecture
Norwegian parents' experiences of collaboration with ECEC and school in the transition to school
- Academic lecture
Norwegian caregivers’ perspectives on institutional practices and changes in childhood transitioning from kindergarten to school
- Lecture
Key note speaker at International Step by Step Association (June 2019) in the Netherlands. Theme: Early childhood and Care for Refugee Children.
- Lecture
Barn med flyktningbakgrunn i barnehagen
- Lecture
Deltakende forskning med unge barn som har flyktning bakgrunn
- Academic lecture
Barnehagen som en integrerings- og inkluderingsarena for nyankomne barn med flyktningbakgrunn
- Lecture
Barnehagen som integrerings- og inkluderingsarena for nyankomne barn med flyktningbakgrunn
- Poster
Do you want this? – a study on the meaning of resettled migrant children’s gift offering in daycare
- Academic lecture
Childhood and Migration
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andregjøring gjennom undervisningsmetoder: En blindsone i norsk skole?
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hijaben: Kampen om frihet, kvinnefrigjøring og den muslimske kvinnens «beste»
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enhancing Seldom Heard Perspectives in Human-Centred Service Design for Health and Social Care Transformation
- Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Vente, Håpe, Leve - Familier på flukt møter norsk hverdagslivet
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
"Barnehagelivet er ikke en selvfølge". En kvalitativ studie innføringstilbudets formål og nyankomne barns tilvenning i barnehagen
- Introduction
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Here we like playing princesses - newcomer migrant children`s transitions within day care: exploring role play as an indication of suitability and home and belonging
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Inkludering av nyankomne barn i barnehagen - spenningsfeltet mellom tilhørighet, likeverd, solidaritet og makt
- Doctoral dissertation
Day Care as an integrational arena and inclusive environment: Newcomermigrant girls' sociocultural transitions and negotiations of identity, home and belonging
- Academic article
Here we like playing princesses–newcomer migrant children’s transitions within day care: exploring role play as an indication of suitability and home and belonging
- Academic article
‘Do you want this?’ Exploring newcomer migrant girls’ peer reception in Norwegian day care: Experiences with social exclusion through the exchange of self-made artefacts
- Academic article
‘They need to … ’: Exploring practitioners’ attitudes in relation to newcomer migrant children’s needs in Norwegian day care
- Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
It takes more than just saying hello. Recently arrived migrant children`s multimodal access strategies, and social positioning work in a Norwegian Kindergarten