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Personal file area

As a student you are offered a personal file area (home folder) at QMUC.

Electronic documents (data files) will be a considerable part of your school work. Therefore, it is important that you secure your files in the best possible way, to reduce the risk of losing work.

      Recording media like USB sticks, portable computers, hard discs, DVDs etc. may disappear or break, or you may delete content by accident.

      QMUC encourages you to store all your school work files on the personal file area. You may connect to this file area from your own PC or Mac. The personal file area is located in secured disc systems with backup every night.

      Connecting to your QMUC file area from Internet

      It is possible to connect to your personal file area from Windows (see below), Mac and Linux.
      Mac: Mac OSX WebDAV.pdf
      Linux: https://www.google.no/search?sourceid=navclient&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_noNO338NO382&q=linux+webdav+connect

      Use the following address (URL) to connect to your personal file area: https://login.dmmh.no/sh/xxxxxx 
      xxxxxx = your student number (6 digits).


      • Right-click on ”Datamaskin” (or "Denne PCen") (computer)
      • ”Legg til en nettverksplassering” (add a network location)
      • ”Neste” (next)
      • "Velg en egendefinert nettverksplassering" (choose a network location)

      • ”Neste” (next)
      • Fill in the address (URL): https://login.dmmh.no/sh/xxxxxx
        xxxxxx = your student number (6 digits).

      • ”Neste” (next)

      • State user name and password

      • Accept or change the name of the connection

      • ”Neste” (next)

      • ”Fullfør” (complete)

      The connection to your personal file area will be established under ”Datamaskin” (or "Denne PCen") (computer). In this example the connection was named "login.dmmh.no".