The research group has a multidisciplinary approach, using multiple research designs. Relevant kindergarten fenomena are explored from multiple perspectives and methodologies. The research group seeks to contribute to developing profession-centric teaching, and to strengthen research on kindergartens as a democratic and multicultural childhood arena.
The group is associated with multiple research networks, such as the network Barndom og inkludering and Children’s migration in historical and cross-cultural perspectives.
In the fall of 2022, the research group began work on the anthology with the working title Multicultural practices in the kindergarten (Flerkulturelle praksiser I barnehagen). The anthology was accepted by Fagbokforlaget in May 2023, and received authorship support from the publisher. The editors are Cecilie Fodstad, Therese Bjørnaas and Svein Sando.
The research group is led by professor Cecilie Fodstad and professor Svein Sando.