DMMH has extensive experience with completing larger research projects and commissions linked to kindergartens, primary school and teacher education. Current research projects include:
Ongoing research projects:
Sustainability through food literacy in early childhood education and care institutions
Quality Development through Participation in the Kindergarten
Virtual Risk Management (ViRMa)
Exploring effects of childhood risk experiences through innovative methods (ViRMa)
Increasing professional Digital Competence in Early Childhood Teacher Education with focus on enriching and supporting children’s play with coding toys
Early childhood education must be relevant for the practice field
Shared Reading Practices in Early Childhood Education and Families for Learning and Literature Experiences
Profession-focused pratice with kindergarten adoption
Learning to lead
Knowledge and experience-based multicultural perspectives for enhancing leadership for sustainability in Early Childhood Teacher Education
The Nordic Nature Kindergarten network
Creating a network to explore existing research and good-practice examples in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
Lärare uten gränser (Interreg-prosjekt)
There are major challenges in recruiting students for teacher training in Trøndelag and Jämtland