ViRMa aims to elevate understanding of how children develop skills in risk assessment and risk management through risky play. This will be explored in a safe and ethical manner by using virtual reality (VR). The project aims to develop realistic situations for the children to manage. Monitoring of the child's eys, movements and their physical management of the situation aims to highlight the child's skills in assessing and managing risks. How the child handles risk will be seen in relation to their prior experiences with play and physical activity, to gain insight into how children develop skills for risk management, and how one may prevent accidents and injury.
The 4 year project will initially focus on children between 7-10 years old. It is anticipated that findings are transferrable to younger childen to some degree.
The project is a collaboration between DMMH, NTNU (ILU), Nordic Neurotech, Kanvas, SINTEF, the University of British Colombia and Colorado State University. Additionally, the project has been linked to an Advisory Board of several international scopes.