Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD)
DMMH is a member institution at the Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD). SANORD is a dynamic university network that unites over 55 higher education institutions across the Southern Africa and the Nordics. Its mission is to foster academic collaboration, facilitate knowledge exchange, and drive joint initiatives in research and education. SANORD is designed to further academic cooperation between the Southern African and Nordic regions and to strengthen the capacity of all member institutions to address local and global challenges of innovation and development. The leadership of member institutions meets annually for discussion and planning of joint endeavors.
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The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research (formerly WNGER II)
DMMH is a member institution at the Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research (formerly WNGER II). The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research is the largest graduate school in the Nordic countries within pedagogy and educational science, with over 20 instructors, 200 members, and 15 member institutions. The graduate school is an investment in doctoral education in Western Norway, aiming to create the best possible doctoral education for our candidates. The graduate school is designed to complement existing Ph.D. programs, allowing candidates to choose courses that suit their progression and interests.The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research (formerly WNGER II) is the largest graduate school in the Nordic countries within pedagogy and educational science, with over 20 instructors, 200 members, and 15 member institutions. The graduate school is an investment in doctoral education in Western Norway, aiming to create the best possible doctoral education for our candidates. The graduate school is designed to complement existing Ph.D. programs, allowing candidates to choose courses that suit their progression and interests.
Read more: The Nordic Graduate School of Educational Research
The Norwegian Research School for Early Childhood Education (NORBARN)
Forskerskolen NORBARN vil ha betydning for ulike parter innenfor barnehagesektor:
- For ph.d.-kandidater vil NORBARN gi anledning til nettverksbygging og kurs med og uten ECTS-poeng. Her møter ph.d.-kandidater norske og internasjonale toppforskere i dialog med aktører for barnehagesektor. Kursene styrker akademisk kunnskap og arbeidslivsrelevans. Ph.d. kandidatene får delta i utviklingen av verdifulle interdisiplinære og sektorielle nettverk og trene overførbare ferdigheter.
- For doktorgradsutdanningene vil NORBARN styrke portfolioen for kurs rettet inn mot relevans for barnehagesektor. Dette øker muligheter for mer samarbeid som for eksempel komitearbeid.
- For barnehagelærerutdanningene (BLU) og lærerutdanningsfakultetene vil NORBARN kunne bidra med kunnskaper om kunnskapsledelse, binde sammen fragmenterte forskningsmiljø. NORBARN vil kunne fungere som en møteplass for spredning av forskningsresultater som er relevant for en forskningsbasert kunnskap i BLU og for nærere samarbeid om forskning i disse miljøene.
- For barnehagesektor vil NORBARN kunne være brobygger mellom fragmenterte miljø innenfor myndighetsnivå og ulike ledernivåer i offentlig og privat barnehagesektor. Dessuten vil NORBARN nettverket, som er representert både av akademia og arbeidslivsaktører, kunne etablere flere samarbeid som virkeliggjør en systemisk tilnærming til barna helhetlige utvikling og vil kunne styrke samarbeid om bærekraftige fremtider, på tvers av sektorer.
For samfunnet vil NORBARN kunne være en pådriver for kunnskapsutvikling, pedagogisk innovasjon og overførbare ferdigheter som er relevante både for offentlig og privat barnehagesektor. NORBARN vil ha fokus på forskning, dialog og ferdigheter som vil styrke kvaliteten i barnehagene. Ved å svare på regionale og nasjonale behov, ved å granske den nordiske barnehagemodellen og den globale situasjonen for barn, familier og utdanning i verden, vil NORBARN rette søkelyset på sammenhenger og perspektiver som ofte er oversett i forskning og i samfunnet.
Les mer: NORBARN
Norsk nettverk for forskningsadministrasjon (NARMA)
- NARMA er organisert som et nettverk under Universitets- og høgskolerådet – UHR
- NARMAs virksomhet organiseres av et Arbeidsutvalg som oppnevnes av UHR og er knyttet både til Forskningsutvalget og Administrasjonsutvalget i UHR
- NARMA har et eget sekretariat som fra 1. juli 2019 er lagt til Høyskolen Kristiania
Les mer: NARMA
Relation-Centered Education Network (RCEN)
RCEN is anetwork that includes educational theorists, researchers, practitioners and policymakers who believe that human relations are central to education. We agreed to work jointly on the following main goals:
- Understand how educators create positive educational relations with and among students
- Learn how to help novice and experienced educators develop their own relational skills
- Offer a policy framework for the relational accountability, to complement the cognitive test-based accountability approaches
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Gemini-senteret OppInk – inkluderende skole og oppvekst
Visjon for OppInk: Å utvikle et internasjonalt fremragende forsknings- og innovasjonsmiljø som bidrar til å løse lokale og nasjonale utfordringer i barnehage, skole og oppvekst.Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole (DMMH) er knyttet til senteret som partnere.
Les mer: Gemini-senteret OppInk
Nasjonalt nettverk for spesialpedagogikk for de sårbare barnas beste
DMMH er med i "Nasjonalt nettverk for spesialpedagogikk"
Nettverket arbeider for å fremme spesialpedagogisk utdanning og forskning. Formålet er å bidra til at barn og unge med særskilte behov får best mulig hjelp.
NelBa ønsker å fremme samarbeid rundt ledelseforskning i barnehagen i Norge. Hensikten med det nasjonale nettverket NelBa er å bli tydeligere og mer synlige i et internasjonalt perspektiv. NelBa er en nasjonal node av International Leadership Research Forum ( ILRF) .
Les mer: NelBa
MiU: Musikkpedagogikk i utvikling
MiU: Musikkpedagogikk i utvikling
Forskningsnettverket MiU er opptatt av musikkpedagogisk utdanning og forskning, i bred forstand. Akronymet MiU står for musikkpedagogikk i utvikling, men kan like gjerne leses som musikklærerutdanning i utvikling, musikerutdanning med pedagogisk vinkling i utvikling/ musikkvitenskapelig utdanning med didaktisk profil i utvikling, eller rett og slett som musikk i Utdanning. Denne uklarheten fungerer åpnende for MiU’s samarbeider, relasjoner og prosjekter.
Forskningsnettverket MiU består av forskere i ulike typer musikkutdanninger, musikklærerutdanninger og i lærerutdanninger med musikkfaglig profil i Midt-Norge, fra Institutt for lærerutdanning (ILU) og Institutt for musikk (IM) ved NTNU, fra Dronning Mauds Minne Barnehagelærerutdanning (DMMH) og fra Nord Universitet (forskningsgruppe Musikkrelaterte læringsprosesser).
Les mer: MiU: Musikkpedagogikk i utvikling
Nettverk for matematikk i lærerutdanningen
Nettverk for matematikk i lærerutdanning er et faglig nettverk for kompetanseutvikling knyttet til lærerutdanning i matematikk. Formålet er å støtte opp om og heve kvaliteten på matematikkundervisning og matematikkdidaktisk forskning i Norge.
The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
EARLI is an international scientific association for junior and senior researchers in education.
Representing over 3000 members in more than 60 countries, EARLI is the biggest educational association in Europe. EARLI offers a wide range of activities to support its members in their academic endeavours. EARLI promotes and supports research initiatives between internationally active researchers and aims to stimulate young researchers to engage with senior researchers through its JURE network. Through the Biennial EARLI Conference, Special Interest Groups and research groups, EARLI aims to encourage researchers to meet and discuss in an international context.
DMMH researchers are also active members in the following Special Interest Group (SIG) with EARLI
SIG 5 - Learning and Development in Early Childhood
SIG 5 is concerned with the learning and development from birth to the age of eight years old. We recognize that learning and development takes place in formal and informal contexts (e. g. preschools, schools, home, daycare, community).
The SIG concerned about the growth in educational reforms across Europe in the early years. Providing adequate learning environments during kindergarten and preschool years is pivotal since here foundations are laid for young children's development in various academic domains. Similarly, there is growing attention and evidence for the importance of learning within the home. Given the realm of children's informal learning experiences before and during preschool, research on children's early development is vital for the understanding of adequate learning environments. To ensure a high quality of institutional or informal settings for young children, it is important to rely on empirical research in areas such as the role of play and pedagogy in relation to cognitive and motivational outcomes, the social relationships between the young child and the teacher, guardian or educator as well as his/or her peers. Also, the cooperation between educational settings, child care and the parents, and the role of classroom management, instructional quality and learning materials are essential. Especially, research questions in the area of pre-/school effectiveness, social inclusion, and teaching and learning processes need to be applied to the field of early childhood care and education since institutionally organized education has to adapt to the specific developmental needs of young children.
SIG 28 - Play, Learning and Development
The goal of SIG 5 is to share interdisciplinary, cutting-edge research on play and its relationship with human development, learning and well-being.
Interest in play and playfulness has rekindled with recent studies finding a wealth of benefits for children’s lives and learning (Whitebread, 2010; 2018). Evidence has emerged on play’s importance for a range of areas essential to human learning and thriving, such as language, creativity, social skills, self-regulation and well-being. Equally, recent research on play-based pedagogies has yielded promising findings of better concentration, greater enjoyment of challenging activities, and more progress in children’s linguistic, social, and motor skills compared with peers taught solely through direct instruction.
The SIG aims to contribute in the following areas:
- Providing scientific evidence on the importance of play in its many forms, informing the design of interventions and guidance to be implemented in local contexts.
- Actively fostering international collaborations, connecting play researchers and professionals to create greater strategic impact.
- Promoting the advancement in the field through supporting early-career researchers.
- Disseminating research findings for academic and professional audiences.
- Nurturing the design of public policies related to play within families, communities, education and beyond.
Read more: EARLI
EECERA Special Interest Group - Mathematics Birth to Eight Years
EECERA SIG Mathematics Birth to Eight Years
EECERA is an independent, self-governing, international association which promotes and disseminates multi-disciplinary research on early childhood and its applications to policy and practice.
The EECERA SIG Mathematics provides an academic and rigorous forum to develop and disseminate high-quality research on early childhood mathematics education. It has organised stimulating and relevant symposia and other presentations at recent EECERA conferences. Some collaborative research, publications and evaluations have arisen due to people engaging with others at SIG meetings and during presentations. There is excellent potential for future collaborations through joint publication in books and papers.
Oliver Thiel is the SIG’s convenor. In this function, he was guest editor of the EECERJ Special Issue ‘Innovative Approaches in Early Childhood Mathematics’, 26(4), 2018, and editor of the book ‘Mathematics in Early Childhood – Research, Reflexive Practice and Innovative Pedagogy’ in the EECERA Book Series ‘Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood: From Research into Practice’ (Routledge, 2020). The SIG is currently working on the book project ‘Play and Mathematics in Early Childhood Education: Perspectives and Practices across Countries and Cultures.’ The book will be published in Spring 2026.
Read more: EECERA SIG Mathematics
EECERA Special Interest Group - Gender Balance
EECERA SIG - Gender Balance
For some years now, researchers from several countries have formed an international network on issues of gender in ECEC. Since 2010, members of the network organised research symposia on the annual conferences of EECERA. In 2012, the network initiated the Special Interest Group Gender Balance within EECERA.
The SIG focuses on gender issues with a special focus on the ECE work force, on the important role gender plays in adult-child-relations, and on gender in the context of diversities. This includes strategies for a more diverse and gender-mixed ECE workforce. In the past decade, several research projects were conducted, and during the past years it has become a global issue, with researchers from countries worldwide focusing on these issues. Although some government funded programmes have tried for bringing more men in the profession, the transfer from research to policy remains a challenge.
Read more: EECERA SIG - Gender Balance
EECERA Special Interest Group – Outdoor play and learning
EECERA Special Interest Group—Outdoor play and learning
The Outdoor Play and Learning SIG provides an academic and rigorous forum at European and international level to develop and disseminate high quality research on outdoor play and learning. It aims to coordinate and disseminate international research on the international discourse in this emerging field. It intends to create a space for shared thinking and for creating synergies between participants from a wide range of professional and scientific contexts to encourage a clearer articulation and understanding of early childhood pedagogy, policy and practice in relation to outdoor play and learning.
Read more: EECERA SIG – Outdoor play and learning
The International Play Association (IPA)
The International Play Association (IPA)
IPA is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961. It provides a forum for exchange and action across disciplines and across sectors. IPA’s purpose is to protect, preserve and promote the child’s right to play as a fundamental human right, according to Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
IPA member groups initiate a wide variety of projects that promote the child’s right to play. These include seminars, conferences, study tours, research, publications, playground design, playwork training and the organization of play programs and Play Days. National groups often collaborate with other organizations which promote the well-being of children and children’s rights.
Read more: IPA
Play, Learn and Teach Outdoors Network (PlaTo-Net)
PlaTo-Net is a global network of thought-leaders interested in advancing research and practice related to outdoor play, risky play, outdoor learning and teaching through play.
PLaTO-Net’s vision is a world where all people, regardless of age, gender, race/ethnicity, income, or medical conditions, are afforded the opportunity to play and learn in natural environments and have access to quality outdoor experiences.
Read more: PlaTo-Net
The World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP World and OMEP Norway)
OMEP World and OMEP Norway
The World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) is an NGO founded in 1948 operating in almost 80 countries that works to defend Human Rights of girls and boys since they are born until they are eight years of age (Early childhood). OMEP advocates for early childhood education and care as a right and a tool to attain other rights: integral development, citizenship, wellbeing, and dignity for all the girls and boys in the world.
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