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Claudia Melis

Faggruppe for natur, miljø og helse | Institutt for real-, natur- og samfunnsfag
Telefon: 73 56 83 36, Mobil: 938 59 351
E-post: cme@dmmh.no
Kontor: 1226
2002 • Doktorgrad i zoologi , Institutt for Evolutionær Biologi, Universitet i Siena (Italia).  Thesis: "Territorial behaviour and habitat use of roe deer Capreolus capreolus".

1998 • MSc Natural Sciences,
Dept. of Animal Biology and Genetics, Universitet i Firenze (Italia). Thesis: "The moon compass of Talitrus saltator Montagu (Amphipoda, Talitridae). Experiments on the chronometrical mechanism".
Forskning og utvikling

Aktuelle prosjekter:

- Sustainability through food literacy in early childhood education and care institutions (FOOD4kids)

- 5-6 åringers kunnskap og forståelse av økologi og bærekraft.

- Vitenskapelig kompetanse av lærerstudentene.

- Genetisk mangfold, mikrobiom og autoimmune sykdommer i Norsk Lundehund.

Claudia Melis on ResearchGate

●  Melis, C.; Falcicchio, G.; Wold, P.-A.; Billing, A. M. (2024). Knowledge on the structure of the solar system in teacher education students: the role of national context and gender. Italian Journal of Educational Research, 32, 100–110. doi:10.7346/sird-012024-p100

●  Melis, C.; Billing, A.M.; Wold, P.-A.; Ludington, W.B. (2023). Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with host genetics in the Norwegian Lundehund. Front Microbiol, 14, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1209158.

●  Wold, P.-A.; Melis, C.; Bjørgen, K.; Moe, B.; Billing, A.M. (2023).
Norwegian preschool children´s knowledge about some common wild animal species and their habitats. Cogent Education, 10, 1-15, doi:10.1080/2331186X.2023.2259513.

●   Bjørgen, K.; Moe, B.; Wold, P.A.; Melis, C. (2022). Children's knowledge about the origins of food in early childhood education and care institutions (ECEC) in Norway. Educ 3-13, doi:10.1080/03004279.2022.2049839.

●   Melis, C.; Pertoldi, C.; Ludington, W.B.; Beuchat, C.; Qvigstad, G.; Stronen, A.V. (2022). Genetic Rescue of the Highly Inbred Norwegian Lundehund. Genes, 13, doi:10.3390/genes13010163.

●   Melis, Claudia; Falcicchio, Gabriella; Wold, Per-Arvid; Billing, Anna Maria. (2021) Species Identification Skills in Teacher Education Students: The Role of Attitude, Context and Experience. International Journal of Science Education s. 1-17.

●   Melis, C.; Wold, Per-Arvid. (2021) Kindergarten Teacher Students’ Knowledge Regarding Crucial Environmental Challenges. Nordic Studies in Science Education; Volum 17.(3) s. 265-276.

●   Melis, Claudia; Wold, Per-Arvid; Billing, Anna Maria; Bjørgen, Kathrine; Moe, Børge. (2020) Kindergarten Children’s Perception about the Ecological Roles of Living Organisms. Sustainability, Volum 12.(22) s. 1-15.

●   Melis, Claudia; Wold, Per-Arvid; Bjørgen, Kathrine; Moe, Børge. (2020) Norwegian Kindergarten Children’s Knowledge about the Environmental Component of Sustainable Development. Sustainability; Volum 12.(19).

●   Teurlings, Ivonne; Melis, Claudia; Skarpe, Christina; Linnell, John Durrus. (2020) Lack of Cascading Effects of Eurasian Lynx Predation on Roe Deer to Soil and Plant Nutrients. Diversity; Volum 12.(9).

●   Teurlings, Ivonne; Odden, John; Linnell, John Durrus; Melis, Claudia. (2020) Caching behavior of large prey by Eurasian Lynx: Quantifying the anti-scavenging benefits. Diversity; Volum 12.(9).

●   Stronen, Astrid Vik; Salmela, Elina; Baldursdottir, Birna K.; Berg, Peer; Espelien, Ingvild S.; Jarvi, Kirsi; Jensen, Henrik; Kristensen, Torsten N.; Melis, Claudia; Manenti, Tommaso; Lohi, Hannes; Pertoldi, Cino. (2007) Genetic rescue of an endangered domestic animal through outcrossing with closely related breeds: A case study of the Norwegian Lundehund. PLOS ONE ;Volum 12.(6) s. 1-18.

●   Herfindal, Ivar; Melis, Claudia; Åhlén, Per-Arne; Dahl, Fredrik. (2016)
Lack of sex-specific movement patterns in an alien species at its invasion front - consequences for invasion speedEcology and Evolution. vol. 6(16): 5570-5584.

●   Holmern, Tomas; Setsaas, Trine Hay; Melis, Claudia; Tufto, Jarle; Røskaft, Eivin. (2016) Effects of experimental human approaches on escape behavior in Thomson’s gazelle (Eudorcas thomsonii)Behavioral Ecology. vol. 27: 1432-1440.

●   Kropatsch, Regina; Melis, Claudia; Stronen, Astrid V.; Jensen, Henrik; Eppelen, Joerg T.  (2015) Molecular Genetics of Sex Identification, Breed Ancestry and Polydactyly in the Norwegian Lundehund Breed. Journal of Heredity. vol. 106 (4).

●   Melis, Claudia; Herfindal, Ivar; Dahl, Fredrik; Åhlén, Per-Arne. (2015) Individual and temporal variation in habitat association of an alien carnivore at its invasion front. PLoS ONE. vol. 10 (3).

●   Melis, Claudia; Borg, Åsa Alexandra; Jensen, Henrik; Bjørkvoll, Eirin Marie; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2013) Genetic variability and structure of the water vole Arvicola amphibius across four metapopulations in northern Norway. Ecology and Evolution. vol. 3 (4).

●   Melis, Claudia; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Panzacchi, Manuela; Linnell, John Durrus; Odden, John. (2013) Roe deer face competing risks between predators along a gradient in abundance. Ecosphere. vol. 4 (9).

●   Melis, Claudia; Holmern, Tomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik. (2011) Who ends up in the eagle owl pellets? A new method to assess whether water voles experience different predation risk. Mammalian Biology. vol. 76 (6).

●   Melis, Claudia; Basille, Mathieu; Herfindal, Ivar; Linnell, John D. C.; Odden, John; Gaillard, Jean-Michel; Høgda, Kjell Arild; Andersen, Reidar. (2010) Roe deer population growth and lynx predation along a gradient of environmental productivity and climate in Norway. Ecoscience. vol. 17 (2).

●   Panzacchi, Manuela; Linnell, John D.C.; Melis, Claudia; Odden, Morten; Odden, John; Gorini, Lucrezia; Andersen, Reidar. (2010) Effect of land-use on small mammal abundance and diversity in a forest-farmland mosaic landscape in south-eastern Norway. Forest Ecology and Management. vol. 259 (8).

●   Melis, Claudia; Herfindal, Ivar; Kauhala, Kaarina; Andersen, Reidar; Høgda, Kjell Arild. (2010) Predicting animal performance through climatic and plant phenology variables: the case of an omnivore hibernating species in Finland. Mammalian Biology. vol. 75 (2).

●   Melis, Claudia; Olsen, Camilla Bjerk; Hyllvang, Maria; Gobbi, Mauro; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Røskaft, Eivin. (2010) The effect of traffic intensity on ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in central Sweden. Journal of Insect Conservation. vol. 14 (2).

●   Melis, Claudia; Jędrzejewska, Bogumila; Apollonio, Marco; Bartoń, Kamil; Jedrzejewski, Wlodzimierz; Linnell, John Durrus; Kojola, Ilpo; Kusak, Josip; Adamic, Miha; Ciuti, Simone; Delehan, Ivan; Dykyy, Ihor; Krapinec, Kresimir; Mattioli, Luca; Sagaydak, Andrey; Samchuk, Nikolay; Schmidt, Krzysztof; Shkvyrya, Maryna; Sidorovich, Vadim E.; Zawadzka, Bernadetta; Zhyla, Sergey. (2009) Predation has a greater impact in less productive environments: variation in roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, population density across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography. vol. 18 (6).

●   Hoem, Stein Arild; Melis, Claudia; Linnell, John D.C.; Andersen, Reidar. (2007) Fighting behaviour in territorial male roe deer Capreolus capreolus: the effects of antler size and residence. European Journal of Wildlife Research. vol. 53 (1).

●   Melis, Claudia; Selva, Nuria; Teurlings, Ivonne; Skarpe, Christina; Linnell, John D.C.; Andersen, Reidar. (2007) Soil and vegetation nutrient response to bison carcasses in Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Ecological research. vol. 22 (5).

●   Melis, Claudia; Sundby, Maria; Andersen, Reidar; Moksnes, Arne; Pedersen, Bård; Røskaft, Eivin. (2007) The role of moose Alces alces L. in boreal forest - the effect on ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) abundance and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation. vol. 16.

●   Melis, Claudia; Buset, Astrid; Aarrestad, Per Arild; Hanssen, O; Mesingset, Erling; Andersen, Reidar; Moksnes, Arne; Røskaft, Eivin. (2006) Impact of red deer Cervus elaphus grazing on bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and composition of ground beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) assemblage. Biodiversity and Conservation. vol. 15.

●   Melis, Claudia; Szafrańska, Paolina; Jędrzejewska, Bogumila; Bartòn, Kamil. (2006) Biogeographic variation in wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) population density in western Eurasia. Journal of Biogeography. vol. 33.

●   Melis, Claudia; Cagnacci, Francesca; Lovari, Sandro. (2005) Do male roe deer clump together during the rut?. Acta Theriologica. vol. 50.

●   Melis, Claudia; Cagnacci, Francesca; Lovari, Sandro. (2004) Site fidelity of male roe deer in a Mediterranean fragmented area. Hystrix: The Italian Journal of Mammalogy. vol. 16.

●   Melis, Claudia; Cagnacci, Francesca; Bargagli, Lucia. (2002) Food habits of the Eurasian badger in a rural Mediterranean area. Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft. vol. 48.

●   Ugolini, Alberto; Melis, Claudia; Innocenti, Riccardo. (1999) Moon orientation in adult and young sandhoppers. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology. vol. 184.

●   Ugolini, Alberto; Melis, Claudia; Innocenti, Riccardo; Tiribilli, Bruno; Castellini, Carlo. (1999) Moon and sun compasses in sandhoppers rely on two separate chronometric mechanisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. vol. 266.