Utvalgte publikasjoner i kronologisk rekkefølge
Lund, I. (2008). I Just sit there;. Shyness as an emotional and behavioural problem at school. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 8(2), 78-87
Lund, I. (2009). An Exploration of Self-awareness among Shy Adolescents. Young, 17(4), 375-397
Lund, (2010a): Listen to Shy Voices. Shyness as an Emotional and Behavioral Problem in School. Center for Behavioural Research Faculty of Arts and Education, Norway (PhD)
Lund, I. (2010b): Det stille atferdsproblemet i møte med lærerens relasjonskompetanse og mentaliseringskapasitet. Spesialpedagogikk, 1, 4-9
Lund, I, Ertesvåg,S., Roland,E., (2010c): Listening to Shy Voices -Shy Adolescents' Experiences with Being Bullied in School. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 3(3), 205-223
Lund, I. (2011a): Om å lytte til de stille stemmene. Specialpædagogik, 31(03), 29-37
Lund, I. (2011b): Sårbare elever i skolen. Spesialpedagogikk, 1, 15-21
Lund, I. (2013): Dropping Out of School as a Meaningful Action for Adolescents with Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
Ekornes,S., Hauge, T.E, Lund, I. (2013): Teachers as Mental Health Promoters. A Study of Teachers’ Understanding of the Concept of Mental Health. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion
Lund, I., Helgeland, A., Kovac,V.B.(2015): Empirically based analysis of methodological and ethical challenges in research with children as participants: the case of bullying in kindergarten. Early Child Development and Care: 1-13.
Kovac, V.B., Lund, I., Omdal,H. (2015): Learning environment in light of systemic, institutional and cultural interpretations: An empirical-based conceptual analysis. Educational Studies
Helgeland, A., & Lund, I. (2016). Children’s Voices on Bullying in Kindergarten. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-9.
Helgeland, A,, Lund, I., (2016): Bulling in kindergarten: Exclusion from friendship and play. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
Lund,I., Helgeland,A. & Kovac, B.V. (2017): På vei mot en ny forståelse av mobbing i et folkehelseperspektiv, Acta Didactica Norge, 11:3
Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Lund, Ingrid; Omdal, Heidi (2017)
Learning Environment in Light of Positional, Institutional, and Cultural Interpretations: An Empirically-Based Conceptual Analysis. Educational Studies ,Volum 53.(1) s. 78-94
Kovac Velibor Bobo, Tveit Anne Dorthe, Omdal Heidi, Lund Ingrid (2018), Directional motion: An empirically based model of development in educational institutions . Improving Schools . ISSN 1365-4802. 21 (2), s 127 - 140 doi: 10.1177/1365480218772637
Anne Helgeland, & Ingrid Lund. (2018). «Det hjelper ikke å si ifra til de voksne». Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid, (02-03), 148-158.
Lund, I., Helgeland,A., Kovac,B.V.,Cameron, L.D, Godtfredsen,M.
(2019). Dialog og samarbeid i arbeidet mot mobbing i
barnehagen. Retrieved from Kristiansand: https://www.ks.no/globalassets/fagomrader/forskning-og-utvikling/nyhetssaker/Dialog-og-samarbeid-i-arbeidet-mot-mobbing-i-barnehagen.pdf
Lund,I. & Helgeland,A (2020).: Mobbing i barnehage og skole. Nye perspektiver (denne boken blir ferdig juni 2020, og vi har kontrakt med Gyldendal Akademisk at den skal utgis august/september 2020)
Omdal, H., Lund, Ingrid. (2021). Ledelsens betydning for samarbeid i barnehagen. I H. Omdal, Thorød,Anne Brita (Red.), Ulike profesjoner, felles mål (s. 51-66). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Lund,I. & Helgeland, A (2021)., : Mobbing i skolen, skoleserien, Cappelen Damm