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Ingunn Størksen

Professor II
Faggruppe for pedagogikk | Institutt for pedagogikk
Mobil: 91847157
E-post: ist@dmmh.no
Jeg jobber med
Jeg er utdannet psykolog og arbeider som professor i pedagogisk psykologi ved Læringsmiljøsenteret, UiS, og som professor II ved DMMH. Min forskning, veiledning og undervisning er knyttet til barns tidlige utvikling og til kvalitet i den norske barnehagen. Mine forskningsfelt inkluderer blant annet små barns reaksjoner etter samlivsbrudd og aktuelle tiltak, overgangen mellom barnehage og skole, samt barns sosiale og emosjonelle utvikling, trivsel, lek og læring i barnehagen. Jeg har publisert en rekke forskningsartikler, bøker og bokkapitler og er en aktiv formidler til praksisfeltet. Som prosjektleder av flere store prosjekter støttet av Norges forskningsråd, har jeg samarbeidet med både barnehagelærere og forskere i FOU-arbeid knyttet til barnehagen. For tiden leder jeg forskningsprosjektet SELMA, se mer på www.selmabarnehage.no


2006 - PhD: Parental Divorce: Psychological Distress and Adjustment in Adolescent and Adult Offspring. Folkehelseinstituttet og Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo. Disputas: 10.02.2006

2000 - Profesjonsstudiet i psykologi - Hovedoppgave: Hyperkinesi hos voksne. En studie av innsatte i Oslo kretsfengsel. Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo


2022 - : Professor II at Queen Maud University College (Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for Barnehagelærerutdanning)

2012 - :  Professor at the University of Stavanger

2005 – 2012:  Associate Professor at the University of Stavanger

2001 – 2005: PhD student at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo

Forskning og utvikling




SELMANorwegian public TV (start at 16.29 minutes)Child music videoSocial competence from the Agder projectSelf-regulation game from the Agder projectAgderprosjektet på 7 minuttSnart førsteklassingBook on child development, Foredrag på MF,  Ett barn, to hjem


Barnehagestart kan være tøft for ettåringerEr vi oss selv nok? Om nærhet og avstand i koronaens tid, Online ECEC care during COVID-19Home care during COVID-19Utdanningsforbundet lider av kunnskapsallergi


Early Childhood Education and Care, Child Development, Self-regulation and School Readiness, Social Development, Parental Divorce, Q methodology, Quantitative research methods


Project leader (together with Professor Mari Rege) of SELMA (Social and Emotional Learning and Life-mastery in Early Childhood Education and Care) (2021-2025) (RCN no. 318626), https://www.uis.no/nb/selma

Project leader (together with Professor Mari Rege) of Lekbasert Læring (2017-2021) (RCN no. 270703) www.uis.no/lekbasertlaering and www.lekbasert.no

Center leader of FILIORUM Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care (2018 - 2019) (RCN no. 275576) www.filiorum.no

Associate Project leader (together with Professor Mari Rege) of the Agder project (2014 - 2019) (RCN no. 2376973) www.uis.no/agderprosjektet

Project leader of SKOLEKLAR The School Readines project (2011-2013) (RCN no. 203326)

Project leader of BAMBI Young children and parental divorce (2008-2010) (RCN no. 187572)

Project leader of National Q-conference, Stavanger, November 19th - 20th 2009.


Parental Divorce: Psychological Distress and Adjustment in Adolescent and Adult Offspring. (2005).  Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo


Ranginkaman, N. (current) Social Competence and Optimism in Norwegian Kindergartners: Validation of Assessments and Investigation of Associations

Evertsen-Stanghelle, C. (current). Evaluation of Quality Assessments in use in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care

Pollarolo, E. (current). Higher-Order Thinking in Early Childhood Education and Care: An empirical study in the Norwegian and Italian contexts

Lenes, R. (2021). Development of self-regulation and academic skills: The role of child factors, socioeconomic status, and cultural context. Faculty of Arts and Education, UiS.

ten Braak, D. (2020). Early Childhood Executive Function, Literacy, and Mathematics: Direction of Effects and Domain-Specificity Across the Transition to School. Faculty of Arts and Education, UiS.

Øverland, K. (2012). Children of divorce in daycare: Exploring subjective experiences among daycare staff and children using Q methodology. Faculty of Arts and Education, UiS.

Ellingsen, I. T. (2011). Adolescents in foster care and their families. A Q methodological study on family perceptions. Faculty of Arts and Education, UiS.


Recent and ongoing publications

Evertsen, C., Tharaldsen, K. B., and Størksen, I., (submitted). Exploring success factors for districtwide implementation of a Classroom Assessment Scoring System related intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Størksen, I., Rege, M., Solli, I. F., ten Braak, D., Lenes, R., & Geldhof, G. J. (2023). The playful learning curriculum: A randomized controlled trial. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 36-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.01.015

Thijssen, M., Rege, M., Solli, I.F., & Størksen, I. (2023) Cross-Productivities of Executive Functions: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4366433 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4366433

Fidjeland, A., Rege, M., Solli, I. F., & Størksen, I. (2023). Reducing the gender gap in early learning: Evidence from a field experiment in Norwegian preschools. European Economic Review, 104413. 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2023.104413

Pollarolo, E., Skarstein, T., Størksen, I., & Kucirkova , N. (2023). Mathematics and higher-order thinking in early childhood education and care (ECEC). Nordisk barnehageforskning20(2), 70–88. https://doi.org/10.23865/nbf.v20.298   

Evertsen, C., Størksen, I., Tharaldsen, K. B., & Kucirkova, N. (2023). Gains and challenges with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System in a social pedagogical tradition. Frontiers in Education, 7, 1053. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.965174

AERA 2022 i-poster

Pollarolo, E., Størksen, I., Skarstein, T. H., & Kucirkova, N. (2022). Children’s critical thinking skills: perceptions of Norwegian early childhood educators. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2022.2081349

Evertsen-Stanghelle, C., Størksen, I., & Kucirkova, N. (2022) Professionals’ Perceptions of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System as a structure for professional community and development. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2022.2031245

Campbell, J. A., Idsøe, E. and Størksen, I. (2022) Screening for potential, assessing for achievement: A study of instrument validity for early identification of high academic potential in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Education Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00313831.2022.2042735 . 

Lenes, R., Størksen, I., McClelland M., & Idsøe, T. (2022). The role of mother's education and child gender for children's vocabulary and math skills in the transition from Early Childhood Education and Care to first grade in Norway. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2022.2055101

ten Braak, D., Lenes, R., Purpura, D. J., Schmitt, S. A., & Størksen, I. (2022). Why Do Early Mathematics Skills Predict Later Mathematics and Reading Achievement? The Role of Executive Function. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 214 105306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105306

(more publications in www.cristin.no)



Størksen, I., Lenes, R., Lunde, S., Campbell, J. A. og Løkken, I. M. (2023). Sosial og emosjonell utvikling og livsmestring - ressursbok for barnehagen. Oslo: Cappelen DAMM Akademisk.

Størksen, I. og Valeur, T. (2023). 5 år - vennskap, mestring og følelser. Oslo: Cappelen DAMM.