Therese Marie Ignacio Bjørnaas
Therese Marie Ignacio Bjørnaas
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Postcolonial identity in the Filipino Beauty Pageants
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White feminism and Islamophobia in Norwegian Politics
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Catholic Anthropology and Cognitive Disability: Rational Capacities as the Definition of what it means to be Human in the image of God
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Islamophobia in the feminism of Siv Jensen
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Christians, Muslims & Islamophobia
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Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Theological Anthropology
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Bakla Case ako eh: on being gay and Catholic in the Philippines
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Imago Dei and Disability: A Theological Approach
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Homosexuality in the Catholic Church after Pope Francis
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Homosexuality in the Catholic Church: The Concept of Human Flourishing
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Etikk og religion i barnehagen - fra et profesjonsetisk og religiøst perspektiv
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Kjønnslikestilling i norsk innvandringspolitikk: Å frigjøre muslimske kvinner fra kvinnefiendtlige islam
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Imago Dei og kroppsliggjort væren: en funksjonshemmingsteologi i lys av Thomas Aquinas
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Homofobe Muslimer? Homoseksualitet: et Vestlig Begrep
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Christian Muslim dialogue Karl Rahner and Ismail al-Faruqi on universal salvation
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Disability and the imago Trinitatis
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Book Review of "Baby you are my Religion" by Marie Cartier
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God and the Human Encounter in the Theologies of Paul Tillich and Karl Rahner
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Book Review of "Nomad" by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Saving Muslim Women: A Feminist-Postcolonial Critique of Veiling Legislation in Norway