Oliver Thiel
ProfessorEkspert ⭐️
ProfessorEkspert ⭐️
Oliver Thiel
Faggruppe for matematikk | Institutt for real-, natur- og samfunnsfag
Cristin ID
- Vitenskapelig foredrag
"God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world" A play-based approach to early mathematics education
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Gebeta – Et etiopisk spill tilbyr rike muligheter for matematikk i barnehagen
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Studentaktiv undervisningi fagene matematikk og RLE
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Affordances of Gebeta Game in Early Childhood Mathematics Education
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Sammenhenger mellom motivasjon og studieatferd i barnehagelærerutdanningen
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Ducks divide money – Problem-solving in ECEC
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Stokastikk i barns utendørs frilek – Første resultater
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Stochastics in children's outdoor play – First results
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Barns matematiske erfaringer ved å utforske digital animasjonsteknologi
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Child led animation video production to enrich mathematical thinking
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Presentasjon av boka “Mathematics in Early Childhood. Research, Reflexive Practice and Innovative Pedagogy” og de norske kapitlene
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Does preservice teacher training change prospective preschool teachers’ emotions about mathematics?
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Reflexive praxis leading to innovative early childhood mathematics.
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Mekaniske leker i barnehagen - funn fra realfagsprosjekt
- Poster
Using automata to promote STEM education in early childhood - first results
- Poster
Perspectives from teachers and educators on how to implement Automata for STEM in early and primary education
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Let's play mathematics!
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Mathematics fundamental ideas vs. fundamental activities
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Barnehagelærerstudenters holdning til matematikk
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Variability and Effects of Preservice Preschool Teachers‘ Math Anxiety during the Exam Period
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- Intervju
vidumath in the classroom
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Pupils' misconceptions about difficult maths topics
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- Faglig foredrag
Video for Mathematics learning
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- Vitenskapelig foredrag
Early childhood teacher students' mathematics anxiety
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vidumath – elever lager videoer i matematikkundervisningen
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- Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
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- Fagartikkel
- Fagartikkel
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Stedskunst, natur og matematikk
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Dyr som blir uvenner
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Integrating Video Production in Early Ages to Promote Motivation for Mathematics and Transversal Competences: Examples from ViduKids Project
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- Rapport
Video Education for Kindergarten Mathematics - Ideas and Principles of ViduKids
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Omvendt klasserom i undervisningen om barnehagematematikk
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Heads-on, hands-on, hearts-on: Educators' perceptions on ViduKids contributions to integral education
- Kronikk
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- Vitenskapelig artikkel
Bruk av video i barnehagelærerutdanning. En analyse av seerdataene
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Automata for STEM: evaluation of an educators training workshop
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- Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
- Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
- Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
How pre-service teacher training changes prospective ECEC teachers’ emotions about mathematics
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Mapping Spontaneous Cooperation between Children in Automata Construction Workshops
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Reaping the benefits of reflexive research and practice in early childhood mathematics education: Continuing the conversation
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Harry's Line Work
- Innledning
Reflexivity and early childhood mathematics education: Applying Bishop’s universality to vignettes of young children’s learning
- Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Mathematics in early childhood Research reflexive practice and innovative pedagogy
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Using self-made automata to teach STEM in early childhood teacher education
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- Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Spontaneous Cooperation between Children in Automata Construction Workshops
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Children's engagement and learning at "Moving toys" workshops in the 1st cycle of schooling.
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Guided play: From instruction to creativity when constructing automata
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Early childhood teacher students’ mathematics anxiety: relevant for professional knowledge and perception of mathematics in preschool?
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Barn utforsker sannsynlighet
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- Anmeldelse
- Anmeldelse
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Before, During, and After Examination: Development of Prospective Preschool Teachers' Mathematics-Related Enjoyment and Self-Efficacy
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- Leder
Innovative approaches in early childhood mathematics
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Affective-motivational aspects of early childhood teacher students’ knowledge about mathematics
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- Fagartikkel
- Pågående
Gebeta Game in Early Mathematics Education (GEME)
- Avsluttet
Stochastics in Children's Outdoor Play (SCOP)
- Pågående
Studentaktiv læring i matematikk og RLE Bruk av studentaktiv undervisning i kombinasjon med omvendt undervisning ved DMMH.
- Avsluttet
Video Education for Kindergarten Mathematics (ViduKids)