We are a active group focusing on researching leadership, organization and management education in the kindergarten sector, from diverse perspectives. There is a significant need for research on/with/about kindergarten management in the field, and it is our goal to be relevant in research outside kindergarten research. Research about the field is developing rapidly, which subsequently affects management. Management is a large and complex field of research, and it is important to us to participate in national and international research groups and discussions which impact the kindergarten field. Our group works to promote relevant, quality research together with, in and for the kindergarten field.
Participants in this group consists of academic staff at DMMH from different academic backgrounds and positions.
Our research interests within the kindergarten field are:
- Management education in a professional perspective
- Management and guidance
- Proactive management
- Strategic management
- Relational perspectives
- Political management of the sector and ownership
- Sustainable managemenet
- Management of quality work, development and transitional processes in organizations
- Pedagogical management
- Value-centric management
- Posthumanistic and more-than-human perspectives on management and organization
Who we are:
Research group leaders: Birgitte Ljunggren og Merete Moe
Research prorector: Lisbeth Gederaas
Associated reserach projects:
- Students' reflections and meta-communications in teams as alternative learning for leadership in a world not-yet-seen. Article connected to UH-ped in progress. https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2525461 Associated researchers: Tvinnereim, Heldal, Haugen & Moe
- Forskere og barnehageledere i forskningsapparatuser. Chapter in nordic anthology: Nordiska rhizomer. https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2525466 Associated researchers: Moe & Forr
- Betydningsfulle øyeblikk i barnehageledelse,https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2726855 Associated researchers: Moe, DMMH, Forr, Melhus kommune, Holst, DMMH and Johansson, OsloMet
- Ledelse av samskapte læringsprosesser i patnerskapet mellom barnehagelærerutdanningen og barnehagene (REKOM) https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2525467 Associated researchers: Nordnes og Knutsen
- Nyutdannet barnehagelærer i spagaten mellom gode relasjoner og faglig ledelse https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2493873 Associated researchers: Schram, Selmer-Olsen and Søraunet.
- ABLU-studenters ulike læringsarenaer https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2558203 Associated researchers: Søraunet, Selmer-Olsen and Børve
- Pilotprosjekt – veilending til barnehageeiere for å styrke kvaliteten i barnehagen. https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2528664 Associated researchers: Ljunggren, Mørreaunet, Nissen, Westerhus
- Kompkart- kompetansekartlegging i Kompetanseløftet for spesialpedagogikk og inkluderende praksis https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2557773 Tilknyttede forskere: Ljunggren, Janninger, Iversen, Eckhoff Salvesen, Åmot, Ebbesen
- Improving relevance of the education of early teachers through co-creation based partnership https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2559902 Associated researchers: Paal Eckhoff Salvesen, Pål Gerhard Rystad, Merete Moe
- Uenighet og konflikt – Til bry eller kilde til kollektiv læring? https://app.cristin.no/projects/show.jsf?id=2726015. Associated researchers: Murud-Riser, Tormod and Fjæran & Sissel Dahlen
- Belseth, Kjartan, research fellow in pedagogy
- Fjelnseth, Ronja Skoglund, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Fjæran, Sissel Dahlen, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Flormælen, Laila Skjei, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Hanssen, Sine Bjerregård, assistant professor
- Hatle, Line-Marie Wiken, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Haugen, Gry Mette D., professor in social studies
- Holst, Vera, assistant professor in social studies
- Hungnes, Åse Kristin, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Janninger, Linda, assistant professor in social studies
- Joa, Cecilie Sundberg, assistant professor in social studies
- Hestvik - Kleiven, Hanne Merete, research fellow in social studies
- Ljunggren, Birgitte, assistant professor in social studies
- Moe, Merete, professor in pedagogy
- Murer-Riser, Tormod, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Nilsen, Malin Arnesen, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Nordnes, Hege, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Rystad, Pål Gerhard, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Salvesen, Paal Eckhoff, assistant professor in social studies
- Selmer-Olsen, Maria, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Smeby, Kristine Warhus, assistant professor in social studies
- Storhaug, Siri-Ann Oterhaug, assistant professor in social studies
- Søraunet, Gunn Anita, assistant professor in pedagogy
- Westerhus, Mari, assistant professor in pedagogy