In June QMUC hosted the annual Network meeting of International Leadership Research Forum - Early Child Care.
ILRFEC was established in 2011. The main aim of the Forum is to provide a learning space to bring together those interested in early childhood leadership research from around the world. So far the Forum has participants from 7 countries worldwide, and several more countries have shown an interest to join.
Several of the participants presented their research through individual papers. Through these presentations the goal was to find common research ground that will lead to a publication of an antology on the subject.
Currently the network is especially interested in promoting new research published in English from countries whose native language is not widespread, and thus has a limited international audience.
The participants also got to visit various Early Childhood Centres and meet the children and staff there.
QMUC was the first Norwegian instituition to join the network. Later Telemark University College, The University of Bergen, Bergen University College and The Nord Trøndelag University College also have joined.