DMMH | New exchange students at QMUC

New exchange students at QMUC

  • Publisert: 27.01.2016
  • Oppdatert: 02.02.2016
This week 9 international students from 7 countries have come to QMUC to participate in 2 different study programmes.

International coordinator Anne Sine van Marion is promising our students an eventful stay. She will guide them through their courses, and promise them a good mixture of hard work and great experiences.

The International students will stay here for 3 months. They are very exited by this possibility to study abroad. None of them has ever been to Norway before, and only one of them has ever studied abroad.

Principal Hans-Jørgen Leksen is welcoming our new students to QMUC. - QMUC is a special University College dedicated to Early Childhood Education and Care. I hope you will have a usefull stay here in Trondheim.

In their home countries the new students are studying to become teachers, for various agegroups.

- We have chosen to study at QMUC because Scandinavian colleges has a very high standard in teaching Early Child Care and Education, says Ms Stedwell. - It is a great opportunity for us to compare your education system to our homeland's, and to learn something new, they all agree. - Norway is supposed to have the highest standard of teaching this subjects, says Ms. Crudden. 

The 3 months will provide a lot of new experiences for our international students. They will have 7 weeks of practical training, and will also go on excursions away from Trondheim.

- We are a bit worried about meeting Norwegian children, they agree, but Mrs. van Marion assures them that they will be given some Norwegian lessons. One of their assignments will be to make a performance for young children, and they will meet children both during their practice and at QMUC.  

With classes at QMUC and assignments from their respective colleges there will be no time to be homesick. To make sure that they also get to know their fellow Norwegian students they have all been assigned a student buddy, who will show them around Trondheim and QMUC.

It is an exited group of students who look forward to start their course. - One of the good bits is to experience the snow, says Ms Gilbert,-  And to go on trips and explore the nature, adds Ms. Callaerts.
Arantxa Rojas - Spain, Caetana Luz - Portugal, Maria Inês Silva - Portugal, Karen Crudden - Ireland, Beata Bastien - Belgium, Sarah Callaerts  -Belgium, Rosanne Burn - South Africa, Chantelle Gilbert - South Africa, and Lucy Stedwell - Germany are looking forward to studying at QMUC for 3 months.

The students are following 2 different courses, Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care, Theory and Practice, and Outdoor Play and Learning in Norwegian Early Childhood Education.