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Lise Storli

Faggruppe for fysisk aktivitet og helse | Institutt for real-, natur- og samfunnsfag
Telefon: 73 80 52 96, Mobil: 98 81 54 02
E-post: lst@dmmh.no
Kontor: 610
Jeg jobber med

Fysisk aktivitet og helse.

Doktorgradsprosjekt: Barns motoriske adferd og risikohåndtering i VR. 


Grunnskolelærerutdanning 5-10 ved Nord Universitet.

Mastergrad i Kroppsøving og idrettsvitenskap ved Nord Universitet, en kvalitativ studie av "Para-athletes pathway to expert performance". 

Idrettspsykologi og mental trening ved Bjørknes Høgskole. 

Forskning og utvikling


Sandseter, E. B. H. & Storli, L. (2024). 21st National playwork conference: Managing risks in virtual reality (VR) scenarios. DMMH. 

Storli, L. (2023). 31st EECERA conference: Children's curiosity, agency and participation: Challenges for professional action and development. Children's movements in a virtual playground task. DMMH, NTNU. 

Storli, L. (2022). 30th EECERA annual conference: Cultures of play: Actors, Affordances and Arenas. Measuring children's motor skills through motion capturing in virtual reality scenarios. DMMH, NTNU. 


Lorås, H., Sandseter, E. B. H., Storli ,L., Kleppe, R., Barnett, L. & Sando, O. J. (2024). Psychometric properties of the pictorial scale of perceived movement skill competence for young Norwegian children. Perceptual and Motor Skills. Apr 16:315125241245175.

Sandseter, E. B. H., Sando, O. J., Kleppe, R., Lorås, H. & Storli, L. (2024). Assessment of psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the sensation seeking scale for children in a Norwegian sample. Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1341609, 1-11.  

Storli, L., Sandseter, E. B. H. & Lorås, H. (2024). Individual differences in children's movement variability in a virtual reality playground task. Human Movement Science 93, 1-14. 

Lorås, H., Sandseter, E. B. H., Sando, O. J. & Storli, L. (2023). Distinct clusters of movement entropy in children's exploration of a virtual reality balance beam.  Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1227469.

Sandseter, E. B. H., Sando, O. J., Lorås, H., Kleppe, R., Storli, L., Brussoni, M.,...& Little, H. (2023). Virtual Risk Management - Exploring Effects of Childhood Risk Experiences through Innovative Methods (ViRMa) for Primary School Children in Norway: Study Protocol for the ViRMa Project. JMIR Research Protocols, 12(1), e45857. 

Storli, L., Aune, M.A. & Lorås, H. (2022). Aspects of Developmental Pathways toward World-Class Parasport. Sports, 10,123.