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Child culture and arts education

The research group Child Culture and Arts Education is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers interested in cultural and artistic expressions for, by, with and among children.
Leader: Professor Marit Holm Hopperstad

The research group is primarily concerned with early childhood arts education and practices, which includes art, music, drama and children's literature.

Our aim is to highlight and explore issues related to child culture and arts education from various perspectives and through different methodologies, focusing on practices and processes in ECEC institutions and primary school, on municipal schools of music and performing arts for children, and on arts institutions that have children as a target group.  

We have regular meetings throughout the academic year, and our activities include workshops, joint interdisciplinary research projects and academic publishing. 
Marit Holm Hopperstad
Professor Marit Holm Hopperstad marit.hopperstad@dmmh.notlf: 73 80 52 91