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Student e-mail

All students are given an e-mail address with the following structure: student number@dmmh.no

You are obliged to check your student e-mail regularly, as QMUC may send you important information regarding your studies.

There are two ways to get access:

1) Outlook Web App (WebMail):


For Windows, Internet Explorer is recommended for student e-mail.
For Mac, Safari is recommended for student e-mail.

We do NOT recommend Chrome, Firefox or Edge for student e-mail, as attachments and redirecting to private e-mail do not work.

2) Mobile phone and tablet computer

Connection / account type on mobile phone and tablet computer is called Exchange ActiveSync (in apps like Outlook, Gmail, Mail).

State the following if you are asked for details:

E-mail address: student number@dmmh.no
Server: login.dmmh.no
Domain name: Blank, do not fill in
User name: student number
SSL secure connection: on / use

Accept security warnings that may appear during the connection process.

QMUC IT unfortunately does not have the capacity to provide support regarding e-mail access on mobile phone and tablet computer. Please consult directions for use, try web search or ask fellow students.

Redirection of student e-mail to private e-mail

You can choose to redirect your student e-mail to your private e-mail, in order to send a copy to your private e-mail.
We recommend one of the following procedures:

a) Safari for Mac (see point c below)

b) Internet Explorer for Windows (if you use a QMUC computer in one of the computer rooms, you can skip point b)

https://mail.dmmh.no must be added to "Lokalt intranett" (local intranet) via:
"Verktøy" (tools)   -  "Alternativer for Internett" (alternatives for Internet) - "Sikkerhet" (security) - "Lokalt intranett" (local intranet) - "Nettsteder" (network locations) - "Avansert" (advanced) - "Legg til dette nettstedet i sonen" (add this network location to the area): https://mail.dmmh.no  - "Legg til" (add)

Choose "Aktiver beskyttet modus" (activate secure mode)

Restart Internet Explorer and do the procedure for redirecting your student e-mail to your private e-mail (see below).

c) Redirect your student e-mail to your private e-mail

Follow the procedure below in your student e-mail (Outlook Web App): http://mail.dmmh.no

1. "Alternativer" (alternatives), top right

2. "Ordne e-post" (arrange messages), top left

3. "Innboksregler" (inbox rules) and "Ny" (new)

4. Choose: "Bruk på alle meldinger" (apply to all messages)
    Choose: "Omdiriger meldingen til..." (redirect the message to…)


5.  "Meldingsmottakere:" (message receivers) and fill in your private e-mail address in the square to the right of "Til" -> (to)

6.  "OK", "Lagre" (save) and "Ja" (yes)

(To make sure that it works, you may send a test e-mail to your own student e-mail.)