The kindergarten is a central catchment area for multiple projects. The research projects are rooted in both practice and research.
The research group Special needs education and early intervention employs multiple scientific foundations and methodologies in their projects. The group is a participant in both national, international and multidiciplinary cooperations and networks.
- Sobh Chahboun
- Karianne Franck
- Rune Hausstätter
- Kristine Tyldum Lefstad
- Elisabeth Walsøe Lehn
- Ingrid Lund
- Else Johansen Lyngseth
- Marit Pettersen
- Kari Strømsøe
- Agnete Vaags
- Jana van der Zwart-Langner
- Ingvild Åmot
- Therese Paulsen
Associated and ongoing projects
- Bedre skolestart for alle (Else Johansen Lyngseth)
- Cross-cultural study of the conceptualization of time-A further step on the understanding of embodied cognition (Sobh Chahboun)
- Fleksibel skolestart til beste for barn (Else Johansen Lyngseth)
- Inclusion and exclusion in autism spectrum disorder ( (Frode Stenseng og Sobh Chahboun)
- International Perspectives on Basic Values in Early Childhood Education (Sobh Chahboun)
- Kartlegging av barns språk i tidlig alder. (Else Johansen Lyngseth)
- Kartlegging av pedagogiske konsepter i DMMHs og USNs partnerbarnehager (Karianne Franck)
- Kompetansekartlegging for spesialpedagogisk samarbeidsreform Kompkart (Ingvild Åmot)
- Moorings and disembeddedness (Sobh Chahboun)
- Nettbasert kompetanseutvikling om barnehagemiljø (Ingvild Åmot)
- Overgang barnehage-skole for barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne (Marit Pettersen)
- Spesialpedagogisk dokumentasjon om barnehagebarn (Karianne Franck)
- Barns behov for spesiell tilrettelegging (Nettbasert kompetanseutvikling, finansiert av PBL) (Ingvild Åmot)
- Culture for quality in higher education, A Nordic and University internal research project on quality culture (Ingrid Lund)
- Forskningsnettverket for Unnvikende Personlighetsforstyrrelser (UPF) (Ingrid Lund)
- Midtnorsk forskernettverk for spesialpedagogikk (Hele forskergruppa)
- Nasjonalt forskningsnettverk for utdanningsrett (Ingrid Lund)
- Nasjonalt nettverk for spesialpedagogikk (Ingvild Åmot og Else Johansen Lyngseth)
- Nordisk Mobbeforskningsnettverk (Ingrid Lund)
- Overganger i skole og utdanning- educational transitions (Else Johansen Lyngseth)
- Tankesmia blikk for barn (Ingvild Åmot)
- Jana van der Zwart-Langner:
Interprofessional collaboration in ECEC focusing on young children with speech language and communication needs - Kari Nordhus Strømsøe:
Ph.D. project between 2023-2026 with the title: "Spesialpedagogen i norske barnehager - en profesjon i endring?" (The special needs educator in Norwegian kindergartens - a changing profession?). This ph.d. project aims to front knowledge linked to the special needs education field in Norwegian kindergartens. The project's overarching problem formulation: "Hva skjer i norsk barnehagekontekst når samfunnsmandatet for den spesialpedagogiske profesjonen er i endring?" (What happens in the Norwegian kindergarten context when the societal mandate for the special needs educational profession is changing?) - Agnete Vaags:
Inclusion and special educational assistance in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). This ongoing Ph. D. project has a qualitative case study approach and aims to investigate opportunities and barriers in the field of tension between inclusion and special educational assistance for children with special educational needs (SEN) in early education and care (ECEC). Various data sources will shed light on the research question.